The community of St. Benedictusberg is made up of people who feel themselves called to follow the path of Jesus Christ. They are in search of God and have chosen to follow the Rule of St Benedict as the guiding principle for their daily life.

Listen, my son [...] and be attentive with the ear of your heart [...] See how the Lord in his goodness shows us the path of life [from the Prologue of the Rule of St Benedict]

The monk has heard the call and he has answered in by choosing to follow the path of the monastic life. He submits to being led by the example, the words and deeds of St Benedict, as they are realised in his Rule.

And what about you? Listening with your heart, have you become aware of what God is asking of you? Are you willing to answer to an individual and personal call, which will lead to the fullness of life? To live in a way that God has intended for every individual?

Becoming a monk could be the answer. But Christians lliving in the world can also follow this way. Our lay oblates are fully part of society and intentionally let their lives be guided by Benedictine spirituality. And the many friends of the Abbey also take something of this spiritual source from the Abbey and share it with others in the wider world.

In this way the spirituality of St Benedict reaches far beyond the cloister walls: their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.
[Ps 18 (19 )]